This is the third “email” with a friend battling digital immorality. You can check out the previous two exchanges on the main page.
We’ve taken inventory of our struggles and made plans to slow down temptation’s habit loop.
Now let’s make an emergency response plan. Maybe emergency response isn’t the best phrase– we don’t sanctify ourselves in our own strength or under the fear of the flesh. We run in the power of the Spirit!
Still, the Scripture says “Flee immorality” for a reason. Sin has a way of growing on you when you hang around.
One of most Spirit filled things you can do is take quick, decisive action to change your circumstances when you face temptation. It won’t solve your heart problems, but it can give you space to follow the Spirit.
Let’s call this your Plan for Action:
What will you do when you face temptation? That’s the question.
Lots of people want a miracle in moments of temptation but they’ve imagined miracles all wrong. They’re lying in the front yard waiting for God to send rain when He installed indoor plumbing in the Christian life.
What’s the indoor plumbing? The means of grace! Your plan for action should embrace the places God promises to meet you and the pathways He promises to work within you.
The foundational means of Grace are 1) God’s Word, 2) Prayer, and 3) God’s People.
Your Plan for Action should include 1) Flee from Temptation and 2) Find Means of Grace.
Let’s start forming a Plan for Action …
Flee From Temptation
Fleeing will not solve the problems of the heart, but it will delay intense temptation and give you time to listen to the Spirit.
How will you flee temptation? You should not hang around your computer alone and idle when you’re feeling tempted. Your phone is a temptation factory–where can you go to leave it behind?
When fleeing temptation–don’t underestimate the value of….
Changing Location– Where will you go? Can you create distance from your normal locations of temptation?
Changing Pace– Get active! Get productive What activities will you do? Read? Exercise? Serve someone else?
Change Population– Where can you be in public or with others? How will you minimize loneliness?
Find Means of Grace
Our hearts leak and our memories get cloudy during temptation. It is helpful to build habits of grace that lean into the help of the Spirit through the Word, Prayer, and God’s People.
What Scripture will you memorize and recite to remind yourself of what is true, right and expected by God? (3 passages)
How will you embrace the power of the Holy Spirit through prayer? Will you walk to a private spot and pray aloud? Will you call a believer to pray together? Will you take a prayer walk? Can you write out some prayers that can guide you during these times?
What trusted believers will you call/text when you are tempted to view immoral content? (3 names)
Please take time to fill this out and please reply to this email with your plans.
Your Christian brother or sister and I want to be a support to you in this. This is just a start, and it’s going to be uncomfortable and it’s going to take work, but it is worth it! Immorality will drag you straight to Hell; it is poison seeking to destroy you and loosen your grip on Christ.
I recognize the challenges, and I don’t deny that it will be hard work, but you can and will, by the grace of God, overcome!
Philippians 2:12–13: “Therefore, dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”
God is working in your working. Keep it up, friend! Love you and praying for you!
Jesus Over Everything!
–Pastor David
We’ll talk more about the heart dynamics underneath digital immorality soon. Actions are only the tip of the iceberg and we can’t see lasting change without the Spirit’s work in our hearts.