“I texted with B_____ earlier. I'm alone [on the road]. I was on Twitter earlier today and some smut came up on the feed. Didn't linger but I'm telling you know so I have accountability to not go back. You know how sin wants you to keep stumbling around hoping to fall. Calling in my back up ✊. Twitter is done for the trip. TV today will be a predetermined show or none- no surfing.”
I didn’t want to send that text. I didn’t want to need to send that text.
I didn’t like even the idea that on the same twitter feed where I found the Rosaria Butterfield video I last posted, the internet demons were willing to deliver porn hoping to grab my attention and my soul.
But reality is what it is–the threat of lingering on the internet for trouble is real. Surfing with the hope-you-won’t-admit of “accidentally” finding further glances…
That’s ground zero for the fight with indwelling sin and the Enemy who wants to devour.
I need to flee immorality in those moments. I’ve come to realize the true gift of fighting sin in a platoon.
We can fight sin.
I texted 5 brothers from church–various ages, life stages, years with the Lord. The common denominators? They love me, the Lord, and we have trust.
The first text came back,
Then another,
““And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. ’”
Matthew 6:13 NIV
then gif with a caption,
“Kick it out!”
This is a small taste of the means of grace in my life. God’s Spirit works through the Word, prayer, and His people.
Send the text, call a friend, open the door for grace by sharing your real-time discipleship with other believers!
2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2