You can’t push a rope–you have to pull it.
In a world full of obstacles that require moving– we need wisdom. Not all tools fit the need of the moment. To a hammer, everything looks like a nail. To a wise builder, skillful use of appropriate tools empowers fruitful work.
I’ve told many husbands to stop “pushing a rope” when they are looking for something in their wives or families. Often, they need to lead forward not press forward.
I’ve seen this wisdom bear fruit. But I know it’s not the answer in all things.
Jesus’ disciples failed to drive out an impure spirit from a young boy in Mark 9. The father of the boy was defeated and desperate as he came to Jesus.
The disciples could not push the demon out with their own strength. Jesus proceeds to command the demon to leave and it does!
When the puzzled disciples ask why they were unsuccessful, Jesus replies, “This kind can come out only by prayer.” Mark 9:29
A wise builder makes skillful use of appropriate tools to empower fruitful work.
It’s wise to pull a rope and push other things. It’s wise to learn what tool fits the task and the time.
I believe many of the obstacles we face have far more spiritual resistance than we recognize. No wonder we are frustrated and discouraged–the power tool of prayer lies on the shelf in dust.
The Lord invites us into a power that moves mountains–the power of prayer.
Are we wise enough to make use of the appropriate tool?