Fall is a wonderful time for cozy foods and hot drinks.
Warm muffins and a cup of coffee are a beautiful part of a slow Autumn morning.
I’m more of a bagel fan, myself. Bagels and Muffins both have a serious problem. The top is so much better than the bottom.
For too many muffins and bagels, all the flavor is on the surface. We enjoy every seasoning possible for the top 10% and then persevere through 90% chalky bread.
The bakers who read this are thinking, “You simply haven’t had a good muffin.”
A surface deep muffin isn’t baked right. Neither is a surface deep relationship.
Why do we allow our relationships to be energetic and flavorful… only on the surface?
Men can energetically debate football, then fall silent in a discussion around the Word.
Women can spend time together without truly connecting.
Passing seasons like “life stage” and short-term hobbies are mistakenly regarded as the flavor of life.
There is so much more to meaningful relationships than surface level interests, but they take skill and time to bake.
Surface deep relationships are unhealthy, unhelpful, and unenjoyable. (Perhaps a different type of “muffin top” comes to mind :) ).
If your relationships were muffins, what are you serving up? Are you allowing people to taste what’s really going on in your heart? Are you keeping the surface full of sugar so that the sour below won’t be tasted?
Have you worked at the skill of baking good friendships? Have you given the baking time?
Our friendships cannot settle for the surface.
We must open our hearts to each other share in the real flavor of our lives together. We must persevere long enough for meaningful friendships to bake.
While Proverbs calls this gift a “perfume,” I think you can imagine it as pumpkin spice…
9 Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart,
and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice.
Proverbs 27:9