I want you to pray. God wants you to pray. If you’ve endured 3 sentences into your pastors email, you probably want you to pray.
WOOHOO! This is a great place to start because a desire to pray is a sign God is up to something. Can we jump into this journey together?
I want to write occasionally over the year to help you pray, I know God will be up to something… you know why?
Because God loves to hear from and help his children.
Prayer is powerful because the Maker of Heaven and Earth, the Almighty, made it so. The Spirit of the Living God moves when the people of God pray. The Spirit of Christ transforms the people of Christ when they call out to Him in dependent prayer. Prayer is the breath of Spirit in the lungs of the believer and God wants you to breathe deeply!
To be honest, I expect these emails to change the world and dramatically transform you. You already know I’m a wild optimist, yes, but my hopes aren’t pinned on my writing ability. My expectations are pinned squarely on the potency of prayer. The very power of the Almighty, the very presence of the Spirit, the very plan of the Father all at the tip of the tongue in the name of Jesus. What a thought! What a gift!
Will you do this one thing for me? Read these emails planning, expecting to pray right after each time you close them.
I love the thought of what God is going to do… Let’s pray! (Catch you soon!)
Jesus Over Everything!