As you walk through the airport you might notice a sign that reads, “If you see something, say something!”
The sign communicates the importance of shared vigilance. We all have a responsibility for justice in the world. It is not right to turn a blind eye.
“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing.”
This Edmund Burke quote is passed around social media constantly.
These statements call us to an important responsibility before God and our fellow man.
But they may blind us to a deadly disposition… trying to play God.
The sign has an important subtitle, “Report suspicious activity to the police.”
Shared vigilance is different than vigilante justice.
Personal responsibility for justice is not the same as ultimate responsibility.
In the age of internet mobs, social media movements, cancel culture, and online petitions, we see this difference between shared vigilance and vigilante justice play out in tragic living color.
How do we tell the difference? Prayer.
If I am raising my voice on social media before I raise my voice to the Lord–I have forgotten my position. If I speak beyond what I know, or try to act beyond where I’ve been made responsible, I display a confidence in self rather than a confidence in God.
Is anything too hard for God? No! Is God righteous and just? Yes!
What are the reasons we feel compelled to act before we pray? Because we trust ourselves more than God!
Here’s a rule of thumb:
I am tempted by action before I have prayed.
I am dependent in action after I have prayed.
Christians need to use their voice in prayer far more and online far less.
Psalm 119:126–128 describes the grief that comes when the good Law of the Lord is rejected.
126 It is time for you to act, Lord;
your law is being broken.
127 Because I love your commands
more than gold, more than pure gold,
128 and because I consider all your precepts right,
I hate every wrong path.
Again, in verse 136…
136 Streams of tears flow from my eyes,
for your law is not obeyed.
We have an all-powerful, ever loving, and all-wise God who can hear our sorrows, cares, and concerns with the context, knowledge, strength, and love to bring about true justice.
If you see something, say something! Report to God Almighty those things that grieve your soul. Depend on God Almighty as you act where He has made you responsible.