Getting Rich Quick
Who do you know with a “wealth of knowledge?”
I call Tony when my car is making weird noises. I call Trevor when I have a legal problem. I call Nate when I’m considering soccer tactics.
How did experts (like a mechanic, lawyer, or coach) get where they are?
One step at a time.
The path of wisdom requires patient walking. The wealth of wisdom must be plowed, planted, and harvested over time.
Are you willing to wait?
Even more important– are you willing to work while you wait?
Wisdom won’t come get you, but it does call out to you! Just read the invitations of wisdom in Proverbs 1-9. You’ll see many problems come to the fool but the one who seeks wisdom is rewarded.
You will not win the Wisdom Lottery. Powerball Wisdom is a myth.
Sadly, many people today believe that after listening to one episode of Joe Rogan or reading one medical review or reviewing twitter’s coverage of a war they know what is best.
Information has never been more accessible than it is today. So is dis-information!
You can learn from experts through more avenues than someone 100 years ago could ever imagine. You can also access the teaching of more sophomores (wise fools) than ever before.
The internet is FULL of fools masquerading as wise ready to teach you.
Killing the illusion that you could become an expert in anything quickly and easily will protect you from their deception.
It’s going to take patient diligence to grow in wisdom. The Spirit of God will help you endure as you grow. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
Are you making daily deposits?
There are many simple ways to slowly mine for wisdom as you go.
Embrace reading your Bible regularly. Make a habit of patient (in person) conversations with wise Christians. Pick up a book that has stood the test of 150 + years of church history. Listen to sermons of preachers who remained faithful and finished well.
No matter how you plow for wisdom, begin with a farmer’s patience, and put to death the allure of Powerball Wisdom.
Wisdom is better than wealth. I think this Proverb is worth chewing on with that connection…
11 Dishonest money dwindles away,
but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.
Proverbs 13:11
Prayerfully, patiently, keep making deposits!