The next several posts are written as a letter to a believing friend who is sinning by accessing immoral content online and wants to overcome it. The pattern of thought can be applied to many sin patterns and struggles.
I’ve selected digital immorality because it is a pervasive evil that is destroying the lives of many men, women, boys and girls. Instagram Lust and Porn are only the tip of the iceberg in a culture that worships self-centered sex and sexual identity. From masturbation as “sex-ed” to mutilation as “trans-rights”–the culture we swim in has destroyed God’s good design and created intentions. Not only that, the destruction of God’s design is destroying us! This corruption in our culture is far too present in the church. Believing homes and lives are being destroyed too… So let’s fight with God’s help! This fight is worth fighting!
Let’s fight the most freely distributed and celebrated drug in history by the Spirit’s power!
Every one of us must find our righteousness in Jesus Christ and in Him alone. He lived perfectly (the way we couldn’t) and died sacrificially (in our place) and rose victoriously (securing our hope)!
He is our hope for being made right with God, overcoming sin, and reaching glory. Confidence in Christ’s work compels us to turn from sin. Believers are freed to run toward repentance because of the promise “There is no condemnation in Christ.”
We want nothing to do with the actions, desires, and thoughts that will take us away from Jesus. The battle against sin is hard. But the battle must be waged. Fighting by the power of the Spirit, we will win.
The Lord died to rescue you from the kingdom of darkness and to set you free from slavery to sin. Take His victory to heart by offering yourself as a slave to righteousness and not as a slave to sin any longer. (cf. Romans 6)
Romans 8 describes our new life in the Spirit and our calling to put to death the deeds of the body.
12 Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation—but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it. 13 For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.
We are in a battle with sin–the flesh, the world around you, and the Devil all want you to lose this battle. Christ is working out His victory in you by His Spirit as you hear and obey the Word.
I would like to help you create a “battle plan.” We need to start by answering some questions. It is helpful to understand the patterns of sin in your life so that you can turn away or strengthen for temptation. Can you please respond to each of the following questions in your reply?
[Before you go further–Will you include your Christian brother or sister in your struggle and prepare your heart to share you answers? Don’t fight alone. Don’t drift from relationships; sin wants you isolated!]
Please answer these questions based on what has happened so far, not what you think would be best.
Let’s talk about what’s real not ideal…
1. Where are you gaining access to immoral content (pornographic or sexually suggestive content)?
2. What days of the week are you accessing immoral content most often?
3. What time of the day are you accessing immoral content?
4. What are some circumstances that often lead up to accessing immoral content? (A discouraging day? Long day at work? Stress with your family? Coworkers?)
5. When you’ve failed, what actions immediately precede accessing immoral content? (Watching videos online? Scrolling your phone in your room? Skipping workouts? Staying isolated?)
Describe the events immediately after you’ve failed–What is your heart normally saying about yourself and the situation?
When you’ve resisted temptation, what actions usually lead to resisting temptation? (call/text a brother or sister in Christ? Prayer? Exercise? Reading your Bible? Going to a public place?)
Answering these questions will help us form a battle plan, so respond to these questions with a few statements per question.
We love you and we are in this battle together! Christ has accomplished our justification and He is working by His Spirit to work out our sanctification. Keep at it in Him!
Jesus Over Everything!